Song writing tips: Writing a good bridge



A lot of people get confused when it comes to writing the bridge, they think that the bridge is the same as the solo. While the bridge could include an instrumental solo, it usually comes just before the solo, so follow with me to learn how to use the right songwriting techniques to write your bridge.

In a traditional verse/chorus/verse/chorus song, people get bored quickly, here is where the concept of the bridge comes in handy. the bridge is the part of the song that doesn't repeat itself, it's main purpose is to build energy and tension to prevent your listener from loosing interest.

The bridge represents a change in rhythm, lyrics and melody. The end of it should be very intense when it connects to the final chorus.

In the case of a 3 verse song, it should have a decrease in intensity in order to connect to the 3rd verse.

While the bridge is a very important part of your song, you have to take care of it and try to come up with a lot of songwriting ideas to figure out how it should look like, just follow my song writing tips and you'll be fine.


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